Mindsworldartworks Author: Karen K. Holsinger Mindsworldartworks Author: Karen K. Holsinger

~*Ink and Melody*~

Ink and Melody Song

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Movement brings value.

Nobody knows what I am thinking. What do I decide to do today? How do my mornings begin? Do I set the tone for my days? What sets the tone for the kind of day you are going to have? Is it someone else, is it routine? For my own personal growth, I’ve had a few challenges to say the least, although theres been a few bumps along the way, I always find the strength to let go of what isnt working for me and I use those to strengthen my beliefs that I can do anything I put my mind to. Definately difficult to find strength in your mind to convince or encourage yourself to get up and get moving and keep moving. Moving brings value!

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